White Recycled Rags

Classic Rags
(2) Soft and absorbent knit and T-shirt type material. Excellent for use with solvents and stains. /Asset/SP-White-Knit.jpg.jpg)
Grime Wipers
(2) Absorbent, soft and thick. Made from sweatshirt material. Good value for bulk wiping applications. /Asset/White Sweats With Trim (11).jpg.jpg)
Very absorbent and very soft. Used or reclaimed. Premium cloth for auto detailing or similar uses. /Asset/White Diapers (26).jpg.jpg)
Terry Rags
(3) Premium reclaimed Turkish terry. Thick, plush and very absorbent Ideal for wiping, polishing and cleaning. /Asset/White L Terry (23).jpg.jpg)
Reclaimed napkin and table cloth material. Absorbent and low linting. /Asset/White Napkins (80).jpg.jpg)