They hold seven times their weight in liquid. Promote green cleaning and water conservation. Contribute to LEED points. Green cleaning with microfiber products provides superior cleaning efficacy, reducing chemical and water usage. 80% polyester, 20% polyamide. /Asset/M9-1616.png

Classic Rags
(2) Soft and absorbent knit and T-shirt type material. Excellent for use with solvents and stains. /Asset/SP-White-Knit.jpg
New White Turkish
New 100% Cotton Hemmed Turkish Towels. Great for general cleaning, are durable, highly absorbent and machine washable. Sold by the count or by the pound. /Asset/New White Turkish.jpg.jpg)
Low Lint Cotton Wiper
A virtually lint-free wiper made from sheets. Best used for critical tasks where a premium lint-free wiper is required. /Asset/White Sheeting (60).jpg
Microfiber Towels
(13) Microfiber terry cloths are lint free. These cloths are designed to pick up and hold dust, dirt, and grime. They can be laundered hundreds of times and are colored coded to prevent cross-contamination.They hold seven times their weight in liquid. Promote green cleaning and water conservation. Contribute to LEED points. Green cleaning with microfiber products provides superior cleaning efficacy, reducing chemical and water usage. 80% polyester, 20% polyamide. /Asset/M9-1616.png

Granular Absorbents
(4) Our granular absorbents are multi-purpose absorbents that are ideal for spill clean-up, lab packing and stabilization of free liquids. Keep your facility floor surfaces clean, safe and dry. Granular absorbents provide oil spill and other liquid clean-up options. /Asset/Grainular-Group.png
New Supreme White
Our New Supreme White is the best knit rag for polishing, staining and other sensitive wiping applications. It is soft, absorbent, low linting, uniform in size and does not bleed. /Asset/New-White-Knit-Premium.jpg