Straw Wattles

Standard Wattles
(3) Minimize Erosion and Sediment RunoffStrawWattle Rolls are made with straw. When they are placed on the face of slopes, they intercept stormwater runoff, reduce its flow velocity, release the runoff as sheet flow, and provide removal of sediment from the runoff. By interrupting the length of a slope, the roll can also reduce erosion.
- Use instead of silt fence to reduce erosion at construction sites - stops sediment and other debris from entering retentions ponds, lakes and other water bodies.
- Environmentally-friendly - units can be left in place to eventually "mulch in" with surrounding environment.
- Less intrusive and conspicuous than silt fence - perfect for use in ongoing residential and commercial construction projects.
- Installation is quick and easy - simply dig shallow trench and stake in place.
- Can be used as check dams to reduce water velocity.
- Requires no maintenance or upkeep.
- Helps comply with NPDES, 40 CFR 122.26 (1999).

Biodegradable Wattles
(2) Biodegradable Straw Wattles create a temporary, three-dimensional sediment filtration structure perfect for construction sites, forest fire rehabilitation, bioengineering projects, ski slopes, wetland mitigation and other applications where storm water runoff is a concern. The 100% biodegradable product is spun blown into long, tubular lengths, are certified weed-free made and will turn into mulch as vegetation takes hold, without the plastic fiber residual common with other types of wattles. Bio-Wattles are recommended for permanent installations and may remain in place after completion of the job at hand.- Up to 98% effective at reducing sediment migration
- 100% Biodegradable
- 100% Weed Free
- Assists with environmental regulation compliance
- Helps earn points toward Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design® (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ project certification goals
- Can be incorporated with live planting, live staking and seeding
- Encasement net flexibility minimizes accidental wildlife entrapment